Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good News Today : Woww..Samsung welcome to Apple Selling iPhone 4S in Korea..!!

Samsung Electronics has decided not to block the sale of Apple products in Korea. Previously, Samsung executives were arguing fiercely to block the product made by Steve Jobs.
Apple's new product, the iPhone 4S, went on sale in Korea on Friday last week. As reported by the newspaper The Chosun Ilbo, Tuesday (15/11/2011), the internal Samsung could argue until the day of the launch of the iPhone 4S, whether to sue Apple or not.
A similar step has been carried out Samsung in France, Italy, Australia and Japan. In Italy, Samsung wants to block plans to launch Apple iPhone 4S on November 4, 2011. Blocking is because Apple violates two patents of Korean companies. However, Samsung's finally defeated in court in Italy.
"We decided to fight (in court) against Apple in the global marketplace, but not if only in order to increase market share in Korea," said a Samsung executive who is not named.
Samsung in South Korea's market was very dominant, ranging from mobile phones to consumer electronic products. It could be that Samsung feels its dominance is sufficient so that no longer need to fight against Apple. Not to mention, of course, the problem of imaging.