Sunday, November 13, 2011

Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series at CES 2011 Review, Specs and Price

Samsung Sliding PC 7 SeriesSo it looks like the Gloria rumors were true.
Samsung announced its Sliding PC 7 line at the Consumer Electronics Show today in Las Vegas, introducing the Windows 7 tablet PC that will feature a slide-out QWERTY keyboard and sport a 10.1-inch (1366 x 768), 340-nit, multi-touch display.

The Sliding PC 7, which will weigh in at 2.2 pounds, will be powered by the upcoming Intel Atom Oak Trail processor, which clocks in at 1.66 GHz. It will also feature 2 GB of DDR2 RAM, a 32 GB or 64 GB solid state drive, a USB 2.0 port, a 4-in-1 memory card reader, HDMI out, and a 1.3 megapixel webcam.
Between the six-cell lithium-polymer battery and Samsung's Eco Light Sensor, which can conserve energy and adjust screen brightness based on available lighting, Samsung claims the Sliding PC 7 has a battery life of approximately nine hours. There will also be optional 3G connectivity available for the Samsung Sliding PC 7.

Behind Velvet Rope
At CES 2011, where the 7 Series was unveiled and on display, Samsung still kept the device under tight watch and behind velvet rope. Still, TabletPCReview managed to get their hands on the device, snap a few pics, and shoot some video. While we did not get enough time for a full hands-on preview, we can say that the 7 Series surprisingly supports up to ten touch points... at least the prototype unit we opened Paint on did. Other than that, Samsung reps were tight lipped on the device specifics.
The Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series will launch in March of 2011, with units starting at a price point of $699.